Sunday, January 31, 2010

This and That

This post is a combination of a little bit of this and that.  Last weekend Jamie and I were invited by my cousin Joey to go stay with him down in Charleston where he was working at a Boat Show.  So my mother-in-law and my parents kept Payton for us one night each and it all worked out perfect! Jamie and I had a great time just getting away from every day life and enjoying the beautiful scenery of Charleston.  We had a great time with my cousin also and shared many wonderful memories together.  Here are a few pictures from our fabulous weekend.

Charleston Boat show 001 

Jamie and Joey at Tidetamer Waterfront Products Booth

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Pretty view of the Boat Show

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Me and my husband

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Me and my cousin Joey

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Chillin at the boat show

Now these next few pictures are of my cute little monkey brushing his teeth which he is very independent when he does this.  I thought these were sweet!

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Big Boy brushing his teeth

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His hair was so cute!

The next few pictures are of all the ICE that we got early Saturday morning instead of snow.  We have had a couple of days inside and we are ready to get out of this house a little bit!

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Our carport with some pretty icicles

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My flag was froze to our porch rail which was pretty cool looking

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Our Boxers Bella on the left and Josie on the right


Friday, January 15, 2010

My Birthday

Well tomorrow is my birthday which just simply means I am just another year older. It seems like just yesterday I was 18, 21, or just turning 23.  Oh well life happens and we get old right?!  I can’t believe I will be 26 years old which I know is a little closer to thirty(yikes).  I can’t complain because I am truly blessed to first of all know that I am saved by God’s grace, I have a wonderful husband, a healthy beautiful child, and a good job that provides for my family.  I really have so much to be thankful for and I just wanted to share some of my birthday presents that I get to have all year long: MY FAMILY!!!

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birthday picture

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

18 Months

Well Payton was eighteen months on January 4, 2010 but I am just getting around to blogging about his doctor’s visit and things that he is up to now.  The older he gets the better he is getting  about his well-baby visits and having less meltdowns when the doctor comes in or when you start taking his clothes off to weigh him.  Talk about a stressful thing for a mommy!!

Dr. P said Payton is right on target with everything and once again he was way impressed with his talking and everything that he was doing.  He had to get 3 shots which were no fun but after the nurse had finished giving him the 3 shots in his legs he stops crying and looks at me with a broken heart and says one of his famous words “DONE”! I said, “Yes sweetie that nurse is DONE with hurting my sweet boy!”  I just love him to pieces and he is learning so much and comes up with words out of no where! 

Right now he is simply a busy little boy who loves to climb, dance, and does NOT watch TV.  For the life of me I can not believe that he does not like to watch TV or cute kids DVD’s.  The only thing he enjoys watching is the Your Baby Can Read DVD with words, pictures, and songs.  I am kind of glad that he doesn’t like to watch a lot of TV because the doctors are always so against TV. 

Here are his stats from his 18 month visit:

Weight: 20 lbs. 8 oz. (1 %)

Height: 31.5 inches (26%)

Head Circumference: 47.5 cm. (41 %)


This is my little man now!

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This is my little man a year ago!


Friday, January 8, 2010

First Haircut

Well after 18 months Payton finally grew enough hair to get his first haircut.  My child was born with just a little hair which in turn has grown very slowly during the last 18 months.  He only really needed to have his curl in the back cut off but I had Mrs. Kay trim up over his ears and on the top a little bit.  I have to say my sweet little one has the prettiest blonde hair that almost looks white!  He sat in Jamie’s lap so I could use my new camera that I got for Christmas from my sweet husband and Payton did really great.  He got a little irritated a couple of times but overall did a great job!  All of his grandparents came along with us to watch him get his haircut which was really special to Jamie and myself, and after the haircut was over everyone came back to our house and ate.  We had a great time and made some good memories.

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Payton and Papa before the haircut

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Getting his cape on…

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First snip :(

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Mommy I don’t like this…

Payton's first haircut 013

Being a big boy!

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Combing my hair

Payton's first haircut 021

Nana I am going to get you with this brush

Payton's first haircut 030

Done with haircut PRAISE the LORD!!!

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First Curl

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See that white hair?!?!

Payton's first haircut 043

I look like a big boy now mommy!

Payton's first haircut 049

Handsome man eating his grape!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas 2009 and the Blog Makeover

We had a wonderful Christmas this year and Payton got lots of toys, clothes, and money.  This year he seemed to understand a little better about what was going on which was fun for our family to watch him.  His big present from Santa was his John Deere power wheels tractor which he absolutely loves.


We spent most of the holiday going to parties, and then on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we visited with our families.  Somehow we all managed to get sick over the holidays and Payton and I went to the doctor this past Monday followed by Jamie going on Tuesday.  Jamie and myself both have had sinus infections and have felt really rotten.  Payton had a touch of bronchiolitis and had to have a breathing treatment.  Then Jamie developed a stomach bug on Thursday, so we all will be glad to feeling better.  Overall we hope to have a healthy, happy, and safe new year.  We wish the same for your family! 

I am still learning how to work this whole blog setup page so my new background is pertaining to Birthdays.  This month I will be 26 years old on January 16th.  Wow I can’t believe how fast my life has flown by these past 5 years! I will be an old women before long.  I hope to get more time to really work on my blog and get it like I want it.  But for now I guess this will work!

Here are some pictures from Payton from Christmas!


My sweet monkey on Christmas morning


Playing with his little tractor


This is his new horse that he loves to give kisses too!


Here he is checking out his new tractor


Our family picture


Me and little man and yes we both were sick :(


Jamie and Payton


Payton in his new tube that he loves!


Payton driving Jaida around in the tractor and trailer

